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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
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RF 385 (3/4") Traveller Systems

RF 385 Traveller Systems
Ronstan’s RF 385 series travellers are designed around a hardcote anodized I-Beam Track that measures 3/4" (19mm) across the top, with an upper lip that is .120" thick. Cars feature captive stainless steel ball-bearing wheels that ride freely under load with minimal friction. Note that Ronstan 3/4" Traveller Cars are only compatible with RF 385 Traveller Track and will not fit any other Traveller Tracks.
Traveller Track
Traveller Cars and Car Parts
Traveller Ends & Stops
Traveller Control Ends
Special Purpose Cars

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RF 385 Traveller Track
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track x 3' 3": RF 385-1M:
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track x 4' 11": RF 385-1.5M:
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track x 6' 7": RF 385-2M:
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track x 9' 10": RF 385-3M:
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track x 19' 8": RF 385-6M:
Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track - Custom Length: RF 385-__ft.:
RF 385 Traveller track is a hardcote anodized Aluminum I-Beam Track that measures 3/4" (19mm) across the top and bottom, and is 15/16" (24mm) high, with an upper lip that is .120" thick. Track is mounted with 5mm (3/16") FH screws on 100mm (3 7/8") centers, and has 1/4" diameter stop holes on 50mm (2") centers. Plastic screw insulators, RF 981X, are included. Track weighs .83 kg/m (.56 lbs./ft).
RF 385 I-Beam Track is available in 3'3" (1M), 4'11" (1.5M), 6'7" (2M), 9'10" (3M), 19'8" (6M), and shorter lengths, please specify.


rf385.jpg (3292 bytes) 




Ronstan 3/4" I-Beam Track, Reverse Curved x 38": RF 385-.983MC2:

Special, Curved RF 385 Traveller track is maximum 38" long with a 3 1/4" Reverse Vertical bend. Specially machined Track has Vertical cut ends, only four (4) mounting holes, and No Pin Stop holes. As used on Tasar. Cut length is 38.7" (983mm). #9407057 L983 R1495



RF 385 Traveller Cars
RF 385 Traveller Cars have permanently riveted captive SS ball-bearing wheels that ride freely under load with minimal friction. RF 385 Traveller Cars are made from heavy SS formed channel, and have ultimate tensile strengths from 1430-3080 lbs. (650-1400kg). Wheels on all RF 385 Traveller Cars are permanently mounted and cannot be replaced. Normal maintenance of these Cars requires nothing more than a fresh water rinse.


Basic 4-wheel Traveller Car: RF 380:
Basic Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track has eyestrap for attachment to mainsheet block. Car is 2" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4", and has an ultimate tensile strength of 1430 lbs. (650kg).


4-wheel Traveller Car w/ Beckets: RF 386:
Channel-Top Traveller Car with Beckets for RF 385 I-Beam Track. SS Channel-Top has 1/4" clevis pin for attachment of mainsheet block and (2) 3/16" clevis pins for attachment of control lines. Car is 2" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4", and has an ultimate tensile strength of 1430 lbs. (650kg).




3/16" Clevis Pin for 4-wheel Traveller Car: RF 386P-3:
Clevis Pin for RF 386 4-wheel Channel-Top Car is 3/16" diameter with a grip length of 3/4". Used (2) in RF 331 Traveller Car, above. CP3-24  




1/4" Clevis Pin for 4-wheel Traveller Car: RF 386P-4:
Clevis Pin for RF 386 4-wheel Channel-Top Car is 1/4" diameter with a grip length of 3/4". Used in RF 331 Traveller Car, above.   CP4-24  


4-wheel Traveller Car w/ 2 Control Sheaves: RF 381:
As RF 380 (above), but with 2 Control Sheaves for 1/4" line. Provides a 2-1 control purchase.


4-wheel Traveller Car w/ 2 Control Sheaves & Beckets: RF 361X:
As RF 386 (above), but with 2 Control Sheaves for 1/4" line mounted under the Channel Top. Provides a 3-1 control purchase. XX


4-wheel Traveller Car w/ Control Sheaves & Cam Cleats: RF 384:
As RF 381 (above), but with the addition of SS cam plate and 2 cam cleats (RF5000/RF5005). Provides 2-1 purchase with car-mounted cam cleats.


4-wheel Traveller Car w/ Swiveling Control Ass'y: RF 360X:
4-wheel Traveller Car has eyestrap for attachment of mainsheet block and Swiveling Control Assembly for car positioning. Designed specifically for Beach Catamarans, Car is controlled with a single line, but cannot be brought up past the centerline. Provides 2-1 purchase. XX*1


Heavy Duty 6-wheel Traveller Car w/ Control Sheaves: RF 331:
Heavy-Duty 6-wheel Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track has (2) control sheaves for up to 3/8" line. Unit is assembled with heavy forged eyestrap, bringing its ultimate tensile strength to 3080 lbs. (1400kg). Eyestrap is removable for attachment of mainsheet block. Car is 3 3/8" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4".




Replacement Sheave only, for RF 331 Car: RF 826S:
Delrin sheave is 1 1/16" diameter x 7/16" wide x 3/8" ID. Used in RF 331 Traveller Car, above.  Sch 18-10S


6-wheel Traveller Car w/ Control Sheaves & Cam Cleats: RF 333X:
6-wheel Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track has SS cam plate with 2 cam cleats (RF5000/RF5005) and (2) control sheaves for up to 1/4" line. Car is 3 3/8" long, and has an ultimate tensile strength of 1430 lbs. (650kg). Provides 2-1 purchase with car-mounted cam cleats.


8-wheel Traveller Car w/ Beckets: RF 383X:
Basic Eight-wheel Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track. Car is made from (2) RF 380, 4-wheel car bodies, joined with a SS triangular channel. This arrangement allows both car halves to articulate separately and avoids uneven loading when used on curved tracks. SS clevis pins through triangular channel allow for attachment of mainsheet block and Control lines. Car is 4 1/8" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4", and has an ultimate tensile strength of 3080 lbs. (1400kg).


8-wheel Traveller Car w/ Control Sheaves: RF 382X:
Eight-wheel Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track has 2 Control sheaves for up to 3/8" line. Car is made from (2) RF 380, 4-wheel car bodies, joined with a SS triangular channel. This arrangement allows both car halves to articulate separately and avoids uneven loading when used on curved tracks. SS clevis pin through triangular channel allows for use with any mainsheet block. Car is 4 1/2" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4", and has an ultimate tensile strength of 3080 lbs. (1400kg). Provides for a 2-1 control purchase. XX*4


8-wheel Traveller Car w/ Control Sheaves & Beckets: RF 382XB:
Eight-wheel Traveller Car for RF 385 I-Beam Track with Control sheaves and Beckets. As RF 382X, above, but with SS clevis pins through triangular channel for attachment of Control lines. Car is 4 1/8" long with a maximum width of 1 1/4", and has an ultimate tensile strength of 3080 lbs. (1400kg). Provides for a 3-1 control purchase.


RF 385 Traveller Ends & Stops
Plastic Track End Stop: RF 388:
Hard molded plastic Track End for RF 385 Track covers track end and attaches to deck with (1) #10 (5mm) RH screw. Extends 1 1/16" beyond track.


Adjustable Track Stop: RF 387:
Adjustable Track Stop for RF 385 Track features SS Spring Pin and rubber bumpers to cushion car impact. Used on free-floating car systems without end controls, especially for jib and staysail boom travellers. Aluminum Track Stop is (maximum) 1 1/4" long x 1" wide.


RF 385 Traveller Control Ends
Control Ends for Travellers come in 2 configurations, those that mount on the Track itself, and those that mount on the deck adjacent to the end of the track. In cockpits, it is also common to use blocks mounted on the cockpit sides for controls. Control Ends are available in a variety of configurations for different purchases with or without cam cleats and beckets.

Single Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket: RF 1400:
For single or 2-1 purchase systems. Ronstan Track Ends feature a 2-piece Rubber bumper that prevents Car impact damage and also insulates the SS components from the Track. SS Channel fits over Bumper and is attached to Track with a 1/4" (6mm) FH screw. Unit includes (1) Sheave assembly for up to 5/16" line, with a Becket for a 2-1 purchase and is tapped to allow for easy attachment of additional Sheaves and Cam Cleats, below. Rubber base is (maximum) 2 3/4" long x 1 1/4" wide.


Single Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket & Cam Cleat: RF 1400C:
For single or 2-1 purchase systems. Ronstan Track Ends feature a 2-piece Rubber bumper that prevents Car impact damage and also insulates the SS components from the Track. SS Channel fits over Bumper and is attached to Track with a 1/4" (6mm) FH screw. Cam Cleat assembly allows 4-position adjustment of inboard angle. Unit includes (1) Sheave assembly for up to 5/16" line, and a Becket for a 2-1 purchase and is tapped to allow for easy attachment of additional Sheaves and Cam Cleats, below. Rubber base is (maximum) 2 3/4" long x 1 1/4" wide.


Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End: RF 1400-2:
Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Cam Cleat: RF 1420-2C:
For 3-1 purchase systems. Ronstan Track Ends feature a 2-piece Rubber bumper that also insulates the SS components from the Track. SS Channel fits over Bumper and is attached to Track with a 1/4" (6mm) FH screw. Available with or without Cam Cleat assembly that allows 4-position adjustment of inboard angle. Unit includes (2) Sheave assemblies for a 3-1 purchase and is tapped to allow for easy attachment of additional Beckets and Cam Cleats, below. Rubber base is (maximum) 2 3/4" long x 1 1/4" wide.


Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket: RF 1400-3:
Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket & Cam Cleat: RF 1400-3C:
For 4-1 purchase systems. Ronstan Track Ends feature a 2-piece Rubber bumper that also insulates the SS components from the Track. SS Channel fits over Bumper and is attached to Track with a 1/4" (6mm) FH screw. Available with or without Cam Cleat assembly that allows 4-position adjustment of inboard angle. Unit includes (2) Sheave assemblies and a Becket for a 4-1 purchase. All components are easily removable and replaceable. Rubber base is (maximum) 2 3/4" long x 1 1/4" wide.




Single Sheave Addition Kit: RF 7060X:
Sheave Addition Kit for RF 1400-series Traveller Control Ends. Kit attaches to Control End with #10-24 screws on 1" centers and includes a single 1 1/8" sheave with Bushings, sheave cheeks, and screws. Sheave is suitable for up to 5/16" line.


    Replacement Sheave for RF 1400 Control End: RF 7060S:
    Replacement Sheave only for RF 1400 Traveller Control Ends. Delrin Sheave is 1 1/8" (28mm) diameter x >3/8" (.400") wide x 1/4" ID. As used in RF 7060X Sheave Addition Kit, above.


    Old-style Replacement Sheave for RF 1400 Control End: RF 7060SX:



Replacement Ball-Bearing Sheave only as used on early RF 1400 Traveller Control Ends. Ball-Bearing Sheave is 1 1/8" (28mm) diameter x 7/16" wide x 3/16" ID.




Cam Cleat & Plate Kit: RF 7061:
Cam Cleat Addition Kit for RF 1400-series Traveller Control Ends. Kit includes a Carbon Fiber Cam Cleat, RF 5000, with a fairlead, mounted to a SS Plate that allows 4-position adjustment of inboard angle. Unit mounts under Sheave Kit using the Sheave screws. Two kits are required to do both ends.




Becket Addition Kit: RF 7062:
Becket Addition Kit for RF 1400-series Traveller Control Ends. Kit includes a SS Becket and a #10-24 screw. Two kits are required to do both ends.


Stainless Steel Track-mount Control Ends
Stainless Steel Track-mount Control Ends are available in a variety of configurations for different purchases with or without cam cleats and beckets. *Please note that the SS Track-mount Control Ends listed below are compatible with standard US (3/4" x 1/8") T-track, as well as Kenyon 3/4" I-beam Traveller Track (K-4540), and Amiot 19mm I-beam Traveller Track.  
Single Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket & Cam Cleat - Left: NF 11592L:
Single Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Becket & Cam Cleat - Right: NF 11592R:
For 2-1 purchase systems. Formed SS ends (3 1/2" long) slide onto track and are held in place with a SS screw that fits into any existing stop hole, or a new one can be drilled, if necessary, for maximum outboard placement. Control line dead-ends on becket/eye strap, goes through a sheave mounted on the car, and comes back around Control End sheave and through cam cleat.


NF 11592R
Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Cam Cleat - Left: NF 11593L:
Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End w/ Cam Cleat - Right: NF 11593R:
For 3-1 purchase systems. Formed SS ends (3 1/2" long) slide onto track and are held in place with a SS screw that fits into any existing stop hole, or a new one can be drilled, if necessary, for maximum outboard placement. Control line dead-ends on becket on car, goes around upper Control End sheave, back through the sheave mounted on the car, then around lower Control End sheave and through cam cleat.


NF 11593R
Double Sheave, Track-mount Control End: NF 11597:
For 3-1 purchase systems with cleats mounted separately. Formed SS ends (3 1/2" long) slide onto track and are held in place with a SS screw that fits into any existing stop hole, or a new one can be drilled, if necessary, for maximum outboard placement. Control line dead-ends on becket on car, goes around upper Control End sheave, back through the sheave mounted on the car, then around lower Control End sheave to separate cleat.


NF 11597

Deck-mount Control Ends
Deck-mount Control Ends are cast aluminum with beckets for 2-1, 3-1 or 4-1 purchase, and extend 5" beyond track end. Units use 1 1/2" diameter sheaves (NF 16159S), and have recess for NF 16459 cam plates, or cam can be mounted separately on deck. Mounting screws with nuts and washers are included.


Single Sheave, Deck-mount Control End w/ Becket: NF 16159:
Used interchangeably on left and right sides for 2-1 purchase systems. Control line dead-ends on becket, goes through a block mounted on the car, and comes back around sheave to separate cleat.


NF 16159

Double Sheave, Deck-mount Control End w/ Becket: NF 16259:
Used interchangeably on left and right sides for 3-1 or 4-1 purchase systems. For 3-1 purchase systems control line dead-ends on becket block on car, for custom 4-1 purchase systems control line dead-ends on Control End becket.


NF 16259

Replacement Sheave for Deck-mount Control Ends: NF 16159S:


Delrin sheave is 1 1/2" diameter x 9/16" wide x 5/16" ID. Used in NF 16159 and NF 16259 Control Ends, above.


Cam Plate for Deck-mount Control End: NF 16459:
SS Cam Cleat mounting plate fastens in recess under Deck-mount Control Ends, NF 16159 & NF 16259. Provides mount for cam cleat without drilling additional holes in the deck.


NF 16459

Cam Plate Assembly w/ Cam Cleat: NF 16459A:
SS Cam Cleat with eyestrap attached to NF 16459 Cam Plate.


NF 16469A

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