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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
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Nicro-Fico Traveller Systems

For replacement parts you must first identify your Traveller System by Track Type, and then by measuring the Track. Track sizes are determined by the measuring the width of the Track across the top. Click on a specific Track to view its associated components. Track Section Profiles and measurements are provided below to assist you.
Nicro also made a variety of Traveller Cars for Round Bar, See: Round Bar Travellers.

Nicro-Fico X-Track Traveller Systems

X-Track is basically shaped like an X, the Wheels on an X-Track Car will be at approximately 45 to the vertical to better take off-center loads.

NF 841 Traveller Track

NF 599-600 Traveller Track NF 610 Traveller Track

NF 841    

                         NF 599/600           

             NF 610

Nicro-Fico I-Beam Traveller Systems

I-Beam Track is shaped - yes, like an I-beam, and its Cars have Wheels that are parallel to each other, just like your automobile. Nicro-Fico I-Beam Traveller Cars feature captive stainless steel Ball-Bearing Wheels.

NF 1159 Traveller Track

NF 1169 Traveller Track

    NF 1159

  NF 1169

Nicro-Fico Recirculating Ball Traveller Systems

Nicro-Fico Recirculating Ball Traveller Cars have one circular race of heavy-duty Torlon Ball Bearings on each side of the Car. These Cars are wider than those for other types of Track, and like all Recirculating Ball Travellers, have the disadvantage of loosing their balls unless special precautions are taken when removing them from the track.

NF 1100 Traveller Track

NF 2100 Traveller Track

NF 1100

NF 2100

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