Common Replacement Parts are listed below, but older spars may have different ones, especially
parts like Blocks and Pins. Verify measurements before ordering! Additional specifications and photographs of all components listed below, as well as details of the Spar Sections and additional parts, are available on the Spar Section, or Parts pages.
J/24 Masts built in the US use the Kenyon 3049 Mast
Section. |
Older model Booms used different (non-internal) boom end fittings not listed below, see Kenyon D-Section Boom page for details on those parts. |
J/24 Mast & Components - Kenyon 3049 Mast Section |
Description | Part # | Price | |
J/24 Mast Assembly per Current Specifications - Complete * | K-FM531A | $ Call | |
- Clear Anodized - 34' 6 1/2" LOA | |||
J/24 Mast Tube only - Clear Anodized - 34' 6 1/2" LOA | K-FMT531AM | $ Call | |
Mast Tube is Tapered with welded Masthead, Jib Box, & Gooseneck Bracket. Slots for T-Ball backing Plates, Pole lift, Spreader Bar, Exits and sailgate cutout are all milled, Holes for all Pins are drilled, ready to transfer hardware. Can be used with original SS Spreader Brackets, or new-style Spreader Bar. No SS Hardware is included. | |||
Mast Head Cap | K-10322 | $ 29.00 | |
Backstay Clevis Pin - 1/4" x 7/8" grip | CP4-28 | $ 8.00 | |
Main Halyard Sheave Lightweight Plastic (new style) 3/8" ID | K-11881 | $ 25.00 | |
Main Halyard Sheaves - Aluminum | |||
- New Style Sheave - Heavy-duty w/ integral bushing | K-198-7AB4 | $ 37.00 | |
- Old Style Sheave w/ 3/8" ID (Requires K-9523 Bushing) | K-198-7A | $ 24.00 | |
Main halyard sheave Bushing (Bronze) 3/8" OD x 1/4" ID | K-9523 | $ 3.00 | |
Main halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 1 3/4" OA | K-1297-3 | $ 34.00 | |
Main halyard sheave Clevis Pin - 1/4" x 1 7/8" grip | CP4-61 | $ 12.00 | |
T-Ball Backing Plate Tangs K-11654, 2 Rivet type - All Shrouds | GIB 740-6 | $ 7.00 | |
T-Ball Retaining Plug, Rubber for 2 Rivet type - All Shrouds | GIB 742-6 | $ 10.00 | |
T-Ball Backing Plate Tangs - Old-style, 4 Rivet type - All Shrouds | GIB 740-5 | $ 8.00 | |
T-Ball Retaining Plug, Rubber - Old-style, 4 Rivet type - All Shrouds | GIB 742-5 | $ 9.00 | |
Forestay Clevis Pin - 5/16" x 7/8" grip | CP5-28 | $ 9.00 | |
Jib halyard Sheave - Alum. 1 1/2" OD | K-10545 | $ 29.00 | |
Jib halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 1 3/4" OA | K-1297-3 | $ 34.00 | |
Jib halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 2" OA ** | K-1297-5X | $ 42.00 | |
Jib halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 2 1/4" OA ** | K-1297-7X | $ 42.00 | |
Jib Box Spacer, Alum. 1/2" OD x 3/16" ID | K-10588 | $ 12.00 | |
Spinnaker halyard Sheave - Alum. 1" OD | K-10587 | $ 22.00 | |
Spinnaker halyard sheave Clevis Pin - 1/4" x 7/8" grip | CP4-28 | $ 8.00 | |
Spinnaker halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 2 1/2" OA | K-1297-4 | $ 34.00 | |
Spinnaker halyard sheave Axle Pin w/ Tab - 2 7/8" OA ** | K-1297-6X | $ 42.00 | |
Pole lift Exit Block - New style - Harken | HAR 088 | $ 22.00 | |
Pole lift Exit Block - SS w/ 1 1/2" OD plastic sheave | K-11110P-1 | $ 69.00 | |
Pole lift Exit Block - SS w/ 1 1/2" OD Alum. sheave | K-11110A-1 | $ 99.00 | |
Cam Cleat - RF 5010 C-Cleat | RF 5010 | $ 22.00 | |
Cam Cleat Base Pad - molded plastic fits RF 5010, & HAR 150 | K-11713 | $ 10.00 | |
Spinnaker Pole Mast Eye | K-85783 | $ 69.00 | |
Spinnaker Pole Mast Eye - Heavy-duty Reinforced | K-85783R | $ 99.00 | |
Gooseneck Bracket SS - for 1 1/2" Toggle | K-43024 | $ 89.00 | |
Vertical Clevis Pin for 1 1/2" SS Gooseneck Bracket, 1 7/8" grip | CP4-61 | $ 12.00 | |
Gooseneck Bracket SS - Old style - for 1" Toggle | K-10324 | $ 119.00 | |
Gooseneck Bracket Set - New-style Aluminum Weld-on | K-43024AP | $ Call | |
Gooseneck Bushing for New-style Alum. welded Gooseneck Bracket | K-9312 | $ 14.00 | |
Vertical Clevis Pin for New-style Alum. welded Gooseneck Bracket | CP4-76 | $ 9.00 | |
Vang Bracket (SS) for Mast . | K-90228 | $ 89.00 | |
Mast Boot, Short (10" long) for Rectangular Deck Collar | K-10674-MBS | $ 69.00 | |
Mast Boot, Long (11 1/2" long) for Rectangular Deck Collar | K-10674-MBL | $ 69.00 | |
Mast Step Assembly with SS Plate | K-10674A | $ 159.00 | |
Mast Step Casting - Special - J/24 | K-1286-1 | $ 89.00 | |
Mast Step SS plate | K-10673 | $ 69.00 |
J/24 Spreaders & Components - Kenyon SP-2.2 Spreader Section |
Description | Part # | Price |
Port Spreader Assembly - Clear Anodized | K-FS531AP | $ 129.00 |
Port Spreader Assembly - Painted White | K-FS531WP | $ 199.00 |
Starboard Spreader Assembly - Clear Anodized | K-FS531AS | $ 129.00 |
Starboard Spreader Assembly - Painted White | K-FS531WS | $ 199.00 |
Spreader Tube only - Clear Anodized (P or S) | K-FST531A (P or S) | $ 99.00 |
Spreader Tube only - Painted White (P or S) Max 30.75"@17.5 | K-FST531W (P or S) | $ 159.00 |
Spreader Tip � New Style (Hard Plastic) | K-10777P | $ 22.00 |
Spreader Tip Old Style (Urethane) Use K-10777P | K-10777 | N/A |
Spreader Tip Original Cast Aluminum | K-10262 | $ 59.00 |
Port Spreader Bracket SS (w/ male stud) | K-10418-9P | $ 189.00 |
Starboard Spreader Bracket SS (w/ male stud) | K-10418-9S | $ 189.00 |
Port Spreader Bracket - older SS Socket-type | K-1290-17P | $ 179.00 |
Starboard Spreader Bracket - older SS Socket-type | K-1290-17S | $ 179.00 |
Spreader Bracket Liners for socket-type Brackets (pair) | K-9407P | $ 32.00 |
J/24 Retrofit Spreader Bar Kit | K-11867K | $ 209.00 |
Aluminum Spreader Bar for J/24 | K-11777-17 | $ 89.00 |
J/24 Boom & Components - Kenyon D-Section Boom |
Description | Part # | Price |
J/24 Racing Boom Ass'y - New-style w/ 1 1/2" Toggle - Anodized | K-FB531RA | $ 1,849.00 |
- Class Minimum Tip Weight, w/ No Tack or Reefing Provisions | ||
J/24 Standard Boom Ass'y per Current Specifications - Anodized | K-FB531A | $ 1,200.00 |
J/24 Standard Boom Assembly - Painted White | K-FB531PW | $ 1,499.00 |
J/24 Standard Boom Tube only - Clear Anodized (D x 9' 5 1/2") | K-FBT531A | $ 399.00 |
J/24 Standard Boom Tube only - Painted White (D x 9' 5 1/2") | K-FBT531PW | $ 599.00 |
Gooseneck Assembly (Standard internal) | K-43022S | $ 449.00 |
Gooseneck Replacement Casting only (Standard internal) | K-10463 | $ 319.00 |
Gooseneck Toggle Assembly w/ Tack Pin & Reef Hooks | K-10518A | $ 129.00 |
Gooseneck Toggle SS w/o Reef Hooks or Tack | K-10518C | $ 49.00 |
Gooseneck Reef Cam Lever - Port (w/ washers) | K-11246P | $ 59.00 |
Gooseneck Reef Cam Lever - Starboard (w/ washers) | K-11246S | $ 59.00 |
Vang Bracket (SS) for Boom | K-1757 | $ 89.00 |
Mainsheet Bail for 1/4" bolt | K-10456 | $ 39.00 |
Boom Bail Bolt Assembly | K-10456BA | $ 9.00 |
Outhaul Assembly (internal) | K-43023 | $ 299.00 |
Outhaul Sheave (center sheave) | K-10483 | $ 19.00 |
Reef Line Sheave (for outhaul end) | K-199-4B | $ 19.00 |
J/24 Spinnaker Poles & Components |
Description | Part # | Price |
- Poles are Class Legal, 9'6" long with a single trip line. Carbon Poles are Class minimum weight. | ||
Aluminum Spinnaker Pole, Ultra Ends w/ center point attachment | K-FP531E | $ 399.00 |
Aluminum Spinnaker Pole Replacement Tube - 2" OD x 9'1" | RTA2-065-9'1 | $ 159.00 |
Forespar Ultra Composite End w/ Trip line, projects 2 3/4" from tube | EF-200-UXP | $ 89.00 |
Carbon Spinnaker Pole, Forespar Black w/ center point attachment | For FPC531E | $ 899.00 |
J/24 Carbon Spinnaker Pole, Forespar Black w/ double bridles | For FPC531B2 | $ 929.00 |
J/24 - Other Parts |
Description | Part # | Price |
Tiller - original (varnished) | Tiller-J24 | $ 129.00 |
Tiller Straps (2 pieces) | Sch 85-44P | $ 109.00 |
SS Transom Gudgeon (4 required) | Sch 81-46 | $ 45.00 |
SS Transom Gudgeon Pin (2 required) | Sch 81-49P | $ 49.00 |
SS Transom Gudgeon Set (2 req'd) includes (2) 81-46, (1) 81-49P | Sch 81-50 | $ 139.00 |
SS Rudder Gudgeon - Short Upper (1 required) | Sch 81-47S | $ 109.00 |
SS Rudder Gudgeon - Long Lower (1 required) | Sch 81-48L | $ 129.00 |