Heavy SS Masthead Spinnaker Cranes are specially designed to attach easily to standard Isomat
Cast Mastheads.
Cranes allow for off-center attachment of one or two standard swivel blocks for
spinnaker halyards, See Spinnaker Halyard
This method of running spinnaker halyards has less friction and eliminates the chafe on
halyards that is inherent in the standard internal halyard design it is the only
choice for long-distance racing or cruising. Halyards can be led internally only by
running from
the swivel block to an entrance down from the masthead (5-8 feet is recommended), but this
method does add
a potential chafe spot. These cranes are not for use with Fractional Mastheads.
See other Masthead Spinnaker Bails & Cranes.
NG-1 Masthead Spinnaker Crane: NG1-2:
Spinnaker Crane for use only with NG-1
Isomat NG-1 Mastheads are easily identified by having only 2 sheaves (or
provision for only 2 sheaves)
side by side, on the forward side. Stainless Steel Plate is (maximum) 3 7/8"
long x 4 3/8" wide x 3/16" thick,
and projects 2" forward of the masthead. Easily positioned on the masthead, unit
attaches with (2) 1/4" bolts
and locknuts, and (2) 4mm (5/32") screws that go into the threaded holes for the
masthead Cover Plate screws.
Mounting requires drilling (2) 1/4" holes in the masthead. Unit comes complete
with fasteners. |
NG-2 Masthead Spinnaker Crane: NG2-2:
Spinnaker Crane for use only with NG-2
Isomat NG-2 Mastheads are easily identified by having 4 sheaves (or provision
for 4 sheaves) side by side,
on the forward side. Stainless Steel Plate is (maximum) 4" long x 5 3/8" wide x
1/4" thick, and projects
1 3/8" forward of the masthead. Easily positioned on the masthead, unit attaches
with (4) 5/16" (8mm) bolts
and locknuts, mounting requires drilling (4) 5/16" holes in the masthead. Unit
comes complete with fasteners.
Double Masthead Spinnaker Bail: FM2-2:
Spinnaker Crane is commonly used with a variety of FranceSpar and Sparcraft
Double Masthead Spinnaker Bail is cut from 5mm SS plate and attaches to the top
of the masthead with
(6) 6mm (1/4") screws and locknuts. Plate has (2) slots (7/8" x 7/16") for
attachment of any Swivel Blocks.
Plate is (maximum) 3 3/4" long x 4 1/4" wide. Screw holes are in 2 rows, 7/8"
Mounting requires drilling (6) 1/4" holes.
Masthead Spinnaker Crane U-bolt - 10mm: FM2C-2U:
SS U-bolt assembly is commonly used on a variety of Sparcraft Mastheads.
Unit is 10mm (3/8") diameter x 2 1/2" LOA x 1 1/4" ID (1 5/8" centers).
Comes with (2) SS nuts for underside of Masthead, and (2) SS Locknuts for upper