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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
Phone: (001) 401-739-1140 -- FAX: (001) 401-739-1149         Ordering/Questions

Rig-Rite Mast Sections & Parts

In its over 40-year production history, Rig-Rite has built spars for and provided OEM spar and rigging packages to virtually every boat builder in the American North East, any many further afield.
Complete Mast Section specifications are listed below. Click on individual Mast Sections, to see hardware specific to those Sections. For more generic parts, see General Spar Parts.

Rig-Rite has also built spars for many Traditional vessels and Catboats using Round Mast Sections.   See Rig-Rite Round Mast Sections and Parts.

Most common Mast replacement parts are listed under the Mast Section that they attach to.
To find the part you need, first, determine which Mast Section the part attaches to by measuring the Section. Then, click on that Section. Descriptions, specifications, and, in many cases photos are displayed there. If a part you need is not listed on-site, please forward a sketch or photo of the part with measurements and full details including which Mast Section the part attaches to. If you unable to determine which Mast Section you have from the details given on-site, we will require a tracing of the Mast Section with measurements.
Some of the Sections below are also used for Booms, See Rig-Rite Boom Sections.

Rig-Rite Mast Sections & Parts   
Rig-Rite #2 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 2.75" x 1.75" (70mm x 44mm) 2717
Wall Thickness: .095"
Weight/ft.: .89 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .55", Iyy = .27"
Circumference: 7 3/16"
Alloy: 6063-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: 20'5", 22', 24'
Common Mast Usage: Butterfly; Chrysler Pirateer 13; Comet; Falcon; Little Bear; O’Day Sprite, Flying Saucer, Widgeon, Osprey, Javelin;


RR #2-2717 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #4 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 2.84" x 2.12" (72mm x 54mm) 2921
Wall Thickness: .085"
Weight/ft.: .96 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .73", Iyy = .36"
Circumference: 7 7/8"
Alloy: 6063-T6
Sail slides: 3/8" round slugs (A017, A117) or 3/8" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: 22'1", 24'7"
Common Mast usage: Falcon*; O’Day Daysailer*; Pearson Hawk*; Pirate; Sailstar Explorer; Tangerine 16;


RR #4-2921 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #4F Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 2.88" x 2.25" (73mm x 57mm) 2923
Wall Thickness: .065"
Weight/ft.: .74 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .96", Iyy = .31"
Circumference: 8"
Alloy: 6063-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: N/A
Common Mast usage: Grumman Flyer; Howmar 12; O'Day 15; Penguin*; PY-17; Snipe; Thundercat; Woodpussy;


RR #4F-2923 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #5 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 3.75" x 2.25" (95mm x 57mm) 3723
Wall Thickness: .100"
Weight/ft.: 1.3 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 1.5", Iyy = .63"
Circumference: 9 5/8"
Alloy: 6063-T6 
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: 22'7", 25'4", 30'
Common Mast usage: Bristol Corinthian 19; Cape Dory Typhoon; N&W Fisherman; O'Day 22;


RR #5-3723 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #4025 Mast Section
Measurements: (OD) 4.00" x 2.50" (102mm x 63.5mm)
Wall Thickness: .100"
Weight/ft.: 1.4 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = ", Iyy = ."
Circumference: 10 5/16"
Alloy: 6063-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: 31'8", 32'3"
Common Mast usage: Pearson 22, Electra, Ensign;


RR #4025 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #6 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 4.50" x 2.75" (114mm x 70mm) 4528
Wall Thickness: .105" - .110"r
Weight/ft.: 1.5 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 2.7", Iyy = 1.2"
Circumference: 11 1/2"
Alloy: 6063-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Standard Mast Lengths: 26'6", 30', 33'
Common Mast usage: Sea Sprite; Kenner Kittiwake; South Coast 23;


RR #6-4528 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #7 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 5.50" x 3.38" (140mm x 86mm) 5534
Wall Thickness:  .120"
Weight/ft.: 2.29 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 6.95", Iyy = 2.47"
Circumference: 14 1/4"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908
Common Mast usage: Allied Princess 36 Mizzen; Seafarer 26; Trump 27;


RR #7-5534 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #6040 Mast Section
Measurements: (OD) 6.00" x 4.00" (152mm x 102mm)
Wall Thickness:  .130"
Weight/ft.: 2.86 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 11.70", Iyy = 5.79"
Circumference: 16 9/16"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908
Standard lengths: 40', 45'
Common Mast usage: Sabre 28*, 30*;


Rig-Rite #6040X Mast Section
Measurements: (OD) 6.00" x 4.00" (152mm x 102mm)
Wall Thickness:  .130"
Weight/ft.: 2.98 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = ", Iyy = "
Circumference: 17 3/16"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 1/2" round slugs (A018, A118) or 1/2" boltrope
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908
Standard lengths: 41' 10", 46'
Common Mast usage: Sabre 28*, 30*;


Rig-Rite #8 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 6.30" x 4.00" (160mm x 102mm) 6340
Wall Thickness:  .140"
Weight/ft.: 2.90 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 10.11", Iyy = 4.44"
Circumference: 16 9/16"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 15/16" flat slides (A008M)
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908**
Common Mast usage: Bombay 29; Galaxy 32; Kells 28; O'Day 27*; Sabre 28;


RR #8-6340 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #9 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 7.25" x 4.62" (184mm x 117mm) 7346
Wall Thickness:  .148"
Weight/ft.: 3.48 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 15.54", Iyy = 7.60"
Circumference: 19 1/8"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 3/4" flat slides (A006M)
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908
Standard lengths: 36', 39'1", 40'7", 41'1", 42'1", 45' 5 1/2", 48'9"
Common Mast usage: Bombay 31; Chapparal 32; Mystic 30; O'Day 30*; Sabre 30*, 32 (all), 34*; Southern Cross 28, 31*;


RR #9-7346 Mast Section
Rig-Rite #8349 Mast Section 
Measurements: (OD) 8.25" x 4.88" (210mm x 124mm)
Wall Thickness (minimum):  .170"
Weight/ft.: 4.77 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = 42.13", Iyy = 16.10"
Circumference: 22 3/4"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Sail slides: 3/4" flat slides (A006M)
Internal Electrical slides: K-10908
Standard lengths: 26', 32'3"
Common Mast usage: Sabre 42, 425*;
RR #8349 Mast Section

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