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Spars, Rigging, and Hardware for Sailboats

Rig-Rite, Inc.
Phone: (001) 401-739-1140 -- FAX: (001) 401-739-1149            Ordering/Questions

Kenyon Spars SP1 Airfoil Spreader Section

Kenyon Spars SP1 Airfoil Spreader Section
Measurements: 1.13" x .38" (1 1/8" x 3/8")
Wall Thickness: .060"
Weight/ft.: .179 lbs.
Moments of inertia: Ixx = .035", Iyy = .003"
Alloy: 6061-T6
Stock Length: 18', 6'
Common Boat usage: AMF Sunbird*; Boston Whaler Harpoon 4.6, 5.2; GF 16; Hunter 20; US 18; Y-Flyer, and hundreds of others.
SP1 Spreader Section

SP1 Airfoil Spreader Section & Hardware
Kenyon SP1 Spreaders are designed to fit over a 55/64" wide x 1/8" thick Plate, and normally fit on a series of SS Spreader Bases with a stud plate this size welded to them, and over Spreader Bars this size. This arrangement produces a strong, serviceable attachment with a minimum of windage. Spreader Bases of this type are specific to individual Mast Sections, for them, See Kenyon Mast Sections.
SP1 Spreader Section: K-SP1CA-____:
SP1 Spreader Extrusion is stocked in a clear anodized finish and is available in lengths up to 18'. To order: specify length.


SP1 Spreader Assembly: K-SP1AS-____:
Standard SP1 Spreader Assembly is clear anodized and includes aluminum Spreader Tip, K-9409. To order: specify maximum tube length and sweep back angle (if any). Painted finishes are available on special order, specify color.


SP1 Spreader Tip: K-9409:
Stamped aluminum Spreader Tip is passed around shroud and secured in spreader with SS screw and locknut. Captivates shroud against the spreader tube and will accommodate shrouds up to 3/16" diameter. Spreader tip measures 1 1/4" long x 1" wide x 1/8" thick, and extends 1/2" beyond spreader tube.


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