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Sparcraft Pneuvang

Pneuvang - Service Instruction Sheet

The Sparcraft Pneuvang is virtually trouble-free. But, with time and heavy usage, the Pneumatic Gas Shocks can lose their charge and must be replaced. To determine which size Pneuvang you have and how many shocks you might need, See Sparcraft Pneuvangs.

Gas Shocks are the Pneuvang component that most commonly requires replacement.
Replace other parts as necessary, See Sparcraft Pneuvangs. 

Common Parts List
Part Number      Description                      Quantity
Gas Shock for Pneuvang Size 2 - 23 1/2" long
Gas Shock for Pneuvang Size 3, 4, & 5 - 27 3/8" long

Pneuvang Disassembly Instructions

Any repairs on these units should only be performed by an experienced Marine Professional.

The Sparcraft Pneuvang is most easily disassembled while in position on the boat.
As the unit is assembled under pressure, you can use the Vang Tackle to slightly compress the Pneuvang, making disassembly much safer and easier.

1. Mark both ends of the lower (larger) tube where it meets the Lower End fitting and the middle Cone Bushing. This will help to reline the fittings on reassembly.

2. You will need to compress the vang to remove these two fittings. With the purchase on the vang compress the vang about 1/4 inch (7mm).

3. Remove the screws (or rivets) from the the Lower End fitting and the middle Cone Bushing. Then slowly take off pressure off the vang. Pull Lower End fitting down to remove the gas shocks. These are held in by Pins.

4. After gas shocks are installed, replace screws (or rivets) in the Lower End fitting.

5. Then with purchase back on the vang, reapply pressure so that the middle Cone Bushing screw holes are easily aligned on the marked line. Install screws (or rivets). All screws should have Blue Loctite or Tef-Gel applied.

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